Patients with Special Needs

What is Special Needs Dentistry?

Special needs dentistry is an area of health that encompasses much more than people realize when faced with the word “Special”. The universe of Patients with Special Needs is very wide, because all those individuals who have a disease, disorder, anomaly or who are in an altered clinical situation, may require differentiated dental care and more appropriate to their moment of life.

This universe of patients includes people who are hospitalized in the ICU or not, those with metabolic, oncological diseases, those with blood dyscrasias, immunosuppressed, transplanted, those with syndromes, those with mental illness, heart disease, nephropathy, liver disease, requiring oxygen support, those requiring palliative care, geriatric care, high-risk pregnant women, and those requiring sedation or general anesthesia or home care.

Dados da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) indicam que 10% da população mundial possui algum tipo de deficiência. No Brasil o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) indicam que a população idosa, aqueles acima de 60 anos, em 2017 era de 28 milhões e que esse número irá dobrar até o ano de 2042.

This signals that there will be a large increase in the population considered with special needs. Studying and specializing in this differentiated service is to recognize that many people today need this attention, as well as realize that in the future many others will need this care.

Preparation is required to serve Patients with Special Needs. They may have physical, neurological or systemic limitations, requiring office or hospital care with a trained professional to understand the limitations and real needs of these individuals.

The professional prepared for Special Care Dentistry always work in a multidisciplinary manner and according to medical guidelines, because there is an interdependence between the various professionals who accompany these patients. This is a key factor in patient safety, treatment success and prevention of various risk factors.


Lira Odonto has always stood out for performing multidisciplinary dentistry, with top professionals. Based on the perception of everyday experiences and needs, where the demand for the care of a population that is increasingly enjoying greater longevity, the clinical team was organized to form a team of professionals that is prepared to meet the challenges of this new reality. That's why Lira Odonto has created an area directed to the care of Patients with Special Needs.