Tooth whitening

What is Tooth Whitening?

Tooth whitening is the process used to make your teeth lighter than their original color, making them whiter and therefore more pleasing to the eye.

We know that over time the teeth show pigmentation (stains), caused largely by certain foods, beverages and / or habits, such as cigarettes. This process helps in removing these pigments, providing a prettier smile.


Aesthetic patterns have changed over the years. Today the level of teeth clarity is part of the repertoire of beauty signs. In this regard, patients realize some benefits, such as:

  • Aesthetic improvement;
  • Self confidence;
  • Rejuvenating sensation

Riscos por falta de tratamento.

There are no health risks with the lack of treatment of teeth darkening. However, there are people who are more sensitive to aesthetic impairment, who may have problems with socialization and self-esteem.


The precautions to be taken after whitening are the same to maintain a healthy mouth, such as brushing your teeth at least three times a day; flossing; make periodic reviews at the dentist; prefer healthy foods over processed foods with colorings.